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In the Mountains

23x22x11 сm, Terracotta, 1958

A gift of Bronyslava Skorupska, 2015

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The sculpture features Argentinean villagers on horseback as they traverse a mountain pass. It is their land, and they walk along a familiar path; their figures are tranquil. One of the riders, the child, gazes with fascination at the landscape.

A challenging mountain path is a daily routine for these people. The author was familiar with the everyday life of the Argentinians, particularly the gauchos. It is a separate theme in his works. Kapshuchenko depicted herders and rural residents dozens of times. Thanks to him, the viewers learn about these people’s daily lives because the works are rich in details (clothing, hats, bags, and baskets) that, together with the figures, compose both the plot and the character of the heroes.