20x10x15 cm, Terracotta
A gift of Bronyslava Skorupska, 2013

At first glance, it may seem that Kapshuchenko created this sculpture spontaneously. The ease and carefreeness of his character, a young man sitting on a stump, whistling a tune, captivates the viewer at first glance. However, it is worth remembering that the sculptor was very serious about choosing the themes of his works. When creating this sculpture, he set himself the task of conveying the character’s mood to the fullest extent and, therefore, had to carefully think through every detail of the composition: the funny crossed legs, the grimace with puffed-out cheeks, and the relaxed posture. Without going into anatomical details, the sculptor created a holistic composition that embodied the harmony of idea, form and line and paid much attention to expression and mood. At the same time, the master crafted a generalised image of carefree youth.