The collection of old printed and rare books is the pride of the university. The exposition is located in the sacristy of the temple and is a separate thematic section of the university museum. Today the collection contains the editions of the largest Ukrainian printing houses of the 17th-19th centuries, in particular books of the Lviv Brotherhood and Kyiv Lavra Printing House of the 17th century, Pochaiv Lavra of the 18th century, Suprasl Printing House of the 18th century, foreign editions. Rare books of the 19th-20th centuries are kept here. Thus, the exposition consists of several thematic blocks that reproduce the history of Ukrainian book printing. At the same time, the collection includes foreign publications, which are collected in a separate thematic section.
The uniqueness of the collection is not only in the value of the exhibited books but also in the fact that patrons donated all the volumes to the Ostroh Academy. A considerable number of books was presented by a Lutsk collector, Ivan Kardash, so the collection has his name.