Petro Kapshuchenko Art Collection
The sculptor Petro Kapshuchenko was born in the Dnipro region, but was forced to leave Ukraine in the 1940s. He spent most of his life in Argentina and the United States (Philadelphia), where he was highly recognized by his colleagues, art historians, critics, and art lovers. During his difficult but creative life, he created more than seven thousand sculptures. His work became known in Ukraine only after 1991. The collection of sculptures by P. Kapshuchenko at the National University of Ostroh Academy includes 15 works by the master and was formed thanks to patrons: Bronislava Skorupska, John Bruce Schmidt, Oleksandr Mykhaliuk, and Raisa Mayevska. The master’s works are impressive, the viewer can easily feel the character, accurately read the emotions and mood of the characters.
A Man on a Stump
Street Musicians
Roe Deer
On a Donkey and with a Basket
On Vacation
Mother and Children
Kobza-player with a Pipe
Sich Cossack
With a Basket
Duda Player
In the Mountains

The gallery was prepared within the framework of the project Digitalization of Art Collections of the Museum of History of the National University of Ostroh Academy
with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.